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Monday 23 September 2024

Deadly Choice by S. Lee Manning


What a ride! I thoroughly enjoyed this.

It focuses on the ridiculous, draconian American anti-abortion laws and how the legislators' stupidity completely dismiss the health (never mind the rights) of women at risk in pregnancy. Fanatical, misguided pro-life groups go to extreme, murderous lengths to prevent any pregnant mother, no matter her age or health, getting an abortion. (See About the Book below.)

Shocking, but gosh, what an exciting, gripping plot for a novel it makes! It's the sort of book that makes for want-to-go-bed-early to get stuck into night-time reading!

I'm not familiar with the author, so this is a first for me. I definitely intend to read more by her. Good writing, good characters and pretty good editing (but, it's Laura Ashley, not Laura Ashely!) are the most important boxes ticked. I do hope Lizzie and Murphy get more cases…chalk and cheese though they are, they make a very engaging PI partnership.

Monday 16 September 2024

Final Encounter by D. V. Berkom


I couldn't help thinking, three quarters of the way into my reading year, that something was missing. Then I realised, it must be Leine Basso thriller time! And Berkom delivers right on cue.

Having read thirteen of Basso's yearly adventures, I keep dreading my favourite ex-assassin might want to retire, but thankfully, whatever she's sprinkling on her cornflakes in the mornings is keeping her in tiptop form (whatever it is, I need some!).

Chasing after criminals is what she does (very efficiently), but this time, she not only has a greedy one to find, she's got to battle a very here-and-now twenty-first century phenomenon: AI. Fine in the right hands, deadly in the wrong ones. And of course, here, it's the latter. Basso not only has to find the perpetrator, but she's got to do it at lightning speed before potentially disastrous consequences. (See About the Book below.)

As always, Berkom gives you a superbly thrilling, hold-your-breath ride from start to finish. Trouble is, it just leaves you wanting more!

Until next year, Leine, (I hope...).

See Also:

Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Girl in the Fire by Sarah K Stephens


This is certainly a gripping psychological thriller as the blurb promises, and yes, a page turner, told in alternate POVs (the two main protagonists) over two time periods.

The intrigue starts when a bride-to-be disappears only a few pages in. The mystery behind her disappearance then starts to unravel compellingly. It gets confusing, however: it's hard to grasp who's loyal to whom, the reasons for the actions of bad characters and why their victims suck it all up and seem to walk from one disaster into another. They seem to have plans to escape it all, but we never get to know exactly what they are and how they're going to achieve them.

I found myself enjoying this maze of intrigue, thinking, don't worry, it will be crystal clear by the end. I can't say it was. I was still scratching my head with unanswered questions, so I was left a little frustrated. I was equally frustrated by the many fiancé (male)/fiancée (female) mix-ups, even in the Amazon blurb (corrected below), along with a number of other editorial oversights.

Monday 26 August 2024

Isolation Island by Louise Minchin


I've eaten breakfast for many years watching Louise on the BBC Breakfast sofa, and she was always one of my favourite presenters: genuine, sincere, unconfrontational and just jolly nice. It was sad to see her go, but she's obviously been using her time well to have a successful stab at writing a novel.

Although I enjoyed it, I can't quite give it five stars. I'm present-tense-narrative's biggest hater. I don't like it one little bit, so my heart did sink when I started reading. It wasn't necessary and didn’t work.

Despite the fact that you have to suspend your disbelief a little, and just a couple of other things you found yourself raising your eyebrows at, it's compelling and enjoyable. (See About the Book below.)

Whether or not Lauren (main character) has a sequel or two in her, I do hope Minchin continues after this very worthy debut, as I'd love to read more of her (fiction) writing. And any author who remembers to thank her readers (without whom a book wouldn't even get off the starting blocks), has a special place in my author list.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Guilty by Definition by Susie Dent


Susie Dent is a logophile, so it was no surprise to come across a treasure trove of unusual words, along with a cracking plot: an excellent, articulate and perfectly formed novel. (An office team of lexicographers, led by Martha, is sent on a hunt for a very unique bit of literal history, via very cryptic messages, and the discovery of which, could answer the mystery of the disappearance of Martha's sister some years earlier. (See About the Book below.)

Dent uses some wonderful words and phrases you've never heard of before. Some of them really ought to be in current usage. How delightful are words like 'conjobble', ipsedixitism, 'broggle', 'cherubimical' and a whole lot more. I'm not spoiling it, though…you'll have to look them up to discover what they mean...or better still, read the book!

I went from page to page, enthralled by the story, but equally captivated by Dent's wonderful colourful writing.

She's written a few non-fiction books, but I sincerely hope this isn't the last we see of her in the fiction arena. Martha and her team would make a very good team of sleuths.

Well done, Susie, ten out of ten!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

One Last Lie by Rob Kaufman


Oh my giddy aunt. My first introduction to this author was A Broken Reality, and what stood out for me was the way he could turn a book into a power pack of emotion. I reached the end and thought, well, that's an author I have to read more of. So here we are. This not only endorsed my opinion, it put him in my 'favourite author of the year' category. Obviously, I'm now going to read all his books.

His recipe is to mix a gripping, tense and captivating plot with a cast of strong characters: Philip and Jonathan have a wonderful loving relationship, two lovely people. By contrast, there's Angela, who apart from personifying the 'inside every thin girl, there's a fat girl', also has obsession, resentment, deceit and a cunning that's off the radar inside her. Not to mention she's as nutty as a fruitcake, too. (See About the Book below.)

Page turner sounds a bit tame for this; it's more of a page-devourer. I mowed through each obsessively to reach the end but at the same time really not wanting to get there.

Just one last thing: you might just need a Kleenex. Or two.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Chasing the Edge by Leslie A Piggott


This is quite a pacy thriller. Two murders, and trying to solve them are two parties: one, a pair of detectives, the other, a fledgling reporter (Cari) who wants a career-building scoop. It's a nail-biting race as each party investigates if a college athlete's tragic collapse on track and the brutal murder of his nutritionist are linked. (See About the Book below.)

I enjoyed it, despite a few niggles: the ending was all wrapped up in a 'tell' and virtually no 'show' rush, and the dialogue was a little stiff and unnatural. Our reporter, Cari, addresses her grandmother as 'Grandmother'. No one this side of the nineteenth century calls their grandmum 'Grandmother'. Take your pick from Grandma, Nan, Nanny, Nonna, Abuela or any other moniker handed down through generations by tradition or made up by family members. 

However, I do think this author is on her way to becoming a very good one, but is still a bit 'green'. That said, this is compelling and very readable, and kicks off the series very competently.

Thursday 4 July 2024

The Couple at the Lake House by James Caine


I discovered when I started to read this that it's a relatively short book…about two thirds the length of your average thriller. By the time I'd got a quarter of the way through, I did start to think, well, thank heavens it's not that long.

Firstly: present-tense narrative. Oof! Why do authors use it? It never works. Secondly: repetition. Not only were the characters constantly nodding, in the worse case of tautology, they were nodding their heads...repeatedly: in fact, 82 times in 251 pages, along with almost the same amount of shaking heads. In between all the nodding and shaking of heads, there are many grammatical errors.

The main character, Sydney, kept referring to Matt, her husband-to-be, as her fiancé, instead of using his name. (Why?)  And when any of the other characters referred to Sydney as Matt's fiancée, the spelling was consistently wrong: she was also a 'fiancé'.

I can't deny the plot had legs (see About the Book below), but the characters were one-dimensional, and it was hard to feel any kind of emotion for any of them. The writing was amateurish and the editing even more so.

Needs work and development.

Monday 1 July 2024

Beyond the Broken Shore by Rebecca Marsh


I'm six books into Marsh's masterpieces, and this is the third in the Princess Island series.

It's always an immense pleasure to lose myself in her books, if not into the company of Marissa and her family and friends on Princess Island. Her characters are real, credible, strong and likeable. You practically want to live on the island and be their friend and neighbour and support them through their trials and ordeals.

Marissa isn't a stranger to tragedy, and in this, she fears history may repeat itself. If that's not enough, Owen, her brother, has to deal with a less-than-welcome face from the past. See book details below.

Marsh brings an organic wholesomeness to her writing so that you feel the grief, pain, turmoil and yes, don't worry, pleasure of all her characters without ever thinking it's been overdone. The saddest thing is getting to the end. Just like a favourite TV programme, I immediately thought, oh no, when's the next episode! It won't be next week, but, whenever, I'll be ready and waiting.

See Also:

Saturday 22 June 2024

The Chamber by Will Dean


Up until the last few pages, I'd made up my mind that I was quite enjoying this: it's a little bit chokka with explanations about the severe constraints (and why) around saturation diving, but I kept telling myself they were necessary scene setters. However, I did welcome the relief of dialogue and action.

It's hard to imagine that in an environment where you can hardly move an elbow you wouldn't notice when someone was snuffing out members of a six-strong team, but that's what happens here. (See About the Book below.)

Despite the dense forest of technical blurb to understand the complexity, risk and skill needed to be a saturation diver (all quite interesting and it seems to me the only reason you'd be a saturation diver is for the money because the rest of it sounds absolutely dreadful), there's a fairly decent story there, but it's a little heavy-going. The ending is confusing, and I'm not a hundred-per-cent sure who actually did it or why.

I've not read this author before. I can't deny that he can plot a story, but I couldn't engage with any of the characters despite their dramatic and disturbing back stories.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

A Broken Reality by Rob Kaufman


What a page turner. Fraught with emotion and tension, this was superbly written.

All the usual crime whos, whys and hows are answered at the beginning of the book, but it's the unravelling that's so nail-biting. It's fairly obvious how Jesse will fare at the end, but even so, this is a brilliant read. (See About the Book below.)

Every word is precise and thoughtful. There are no wasted words: there's just enough detail to paint a picture. It's sad, it's tragic, it's heart-rending but so very masterfully written. Every page was playing itself as a movie in my head.

I haven't read any other books by this author before. Will I read more by him? Absolutely.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

The Secret Truth by Barry Finlay


It's always an immense pleasure to catch up with widower Jake and his policewoman friend, Dani. He's a retired reporter, but his investigative nose simply hasn't had the memo. In this, his third 'case', he finds himself narrowly missing an untimely end, or I should say 'ends'...much to Dani's distress. Their relationship has been cruising along steadily till now, but they finally turn the cruise control off and go up a gear!

Finlay writes with conviction and authenticity, as always, and I certainly didn't guess 'whodunnit'. That 'wow, I wasn't expecting that' finale is always the icing on the cake for a well-written and enjoyable book.

Jake is a very likeable character: he's honest, he's dependable and he's very determined. It's simply a joy to be in his company for a few hundred pages. Dani may not be too happy about the undesirable predicaments he finds himself in, but, of course, it's those very spots of bother the reader loves!

Don't retire from investigating, Jake.

See Also:

Monday 29 April 2024

End of Story by A. J. Finn


This wasn't my cup of tea. I dislike present-tense narrative intensely. It destroys nearly every good book and it doesn't work here; secondly, the formatting is abysmal. There are virtually no scene breaks, so it's like a seriously bad case of head-hopping. Scenes change in the next sentence, not even the next paragraph. Lastly, there just aren't enough dialogue tag lines, so I just couldn't keep up with who was speaking. (See 'About the book' below.)

Even if I could have put up with all that, sadly, I just couldn't gel with the book. It was tedious, rather convoluted and hard to keep up with. The POV change at the end was confusing too. Nicky's character went from third to first POV. There was quite a twist at the end, but like the rest of book, overwrung. It was as if one twist wasn't enough, so the author chucked in another couple, by which time it just got a bit silly.

I'm not a DNF person, and I suppose I was interested enough to see it through to the end, but I didn't pick up my Kindle with relish, eager to continue. It was more of a, 'I suppose I should finish this to see how it all pans out'.

Sunday 14 April 2024

You Are Here by David Nicholls


Not having read anything by this author, it probably took me no more than a handful of pages to ask myself, WHY have I not I read anything by this author?

It's a romance; it's an organic, down-to-earth romance with two very likeable main characters. With such witty, sharp and credible dialogue, I can't help thinking this author would be a very entertaining guest at one of those 'which ten people present or past would you invite to a dinner party'.

It's about two lonely people (Marnie and Michael) who meet on a challenging group walk. But, are they lonely or just alone? That's the beauty of Nicholls' writing…the question is cleverly and beautifully examined.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and loved being in Marnie and Michael's company. The minute I finished it, I headed straight to Amazon to seek out Nicholls' other books. He'll never be at my dinner party, of course, but I'll have many hours in his company.

Saturday 30 March 2024

Promoted with Tenure by KB Fisher


While this calls itself a murder mystery, the actual murder investigation (of a university professor, which is just for starters) plays second fiddle. The main player seems to be the politics, in-house fighting and battles for power that go on in a university…well, this university. I found it tedious and rather laboured, as there is a lot of jargon (academic and entomological) used, which went way over my head. Whilst some of this narrative is necessary to explain the motives for the murder(s), it's overdone. (Full synopsis here)

One other criticism is that there are a few chapters dedicated to flashbacks, but no indication that that's what they are; the chapters merely have a number and no title, so it takes a few minutes to realise, oh, hang on, we've gone back in time here.

However, I was impressed by the writing. The author is very articulate, and I did like the way he described mannerisms, his characters, their personalities…he's very adept at word-painting a scene.

I enjoyed this, albeit with some reservations, and I certainly wasn't expecting who did it!

Friday 22 March 2024

The Final Hours of Muriel Hinchcliffe M.B.E by Claire Parkin


I wonder how many people are old enough (one of whom would be me!) to remember the very dark, rather lurid, psychological horror film 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane' because it kept popping into my head as I was reading this. It's many many degrees removed from this, of course, but there is just a teensy essence of similarity. 

We have two women, 'friends' since childhood, one now in a wheelchair, living together in their dotage, but who actually aren't very friendly to each other at all. They are both rather toxic and not wholly likeable and you do, albeit a bit uncharitably, consider they are actually well suited to each other. (Full synopsis here)

It makes for difficult reading sometimes, but, it is deliciously dark and twisted and well written. I didn't foresee the ending…the 'gosh, I didn't see that coming' finale is invariably the icing on a cake of a good read.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Breaking and Entering by Andrew Hunter Murray


I just didn't want this to end. The narrator's voice is very, very engaging: a little cynical, very witty and all round jolly good fun. It tapped right into my sense of humour.

Al (the narrator) is, as he likes to call himself, an 'interloper'. Others would probably describe it as 'breaking and entering'. He is very particular about the difference. He merely stays in empty houses whilst their owner(s) is/are away on some exotic far-away holiday or in one of their other houses. He doesn't steal anything. He merely temporarily resides in an empty house. He's managed to do this for a good decade, following a meticulous set of rules and always on his own: until events lead him to co-'interloping' with three others, which is when it all goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

This is wonderfully easy to read and even easier to immerse yourself into the characters, all of whom are really rather captivating and fascinating. It's very well written and keeps you entertained right to the end.

Al never explains what led him to an 'interloping' career, he never explains what the nefarious deeds of his past were, but quite often alludes to, and never tells the reader his real name. I was just slightly miffed that these questions remained unanswered, but it doesn't alter my five-star rating and very certainly won't prevent me seeking out this author's other books.

Friday 23 February 2024

And Now There's Zelda by Carolyn Clarke


This is Clarke's second book after 'And Then There's Margaret', which I thoroughly enjoyed, once I'd ignored the 'dramedy' banner on that novel. It's a very entertaining, well-written family drama, it's just not funny, merely misgenred!

I was very much looking forward to catching up with Ally and co, now dealing with a new addition to her family…her son's new girlfriend/fiancée. Whilst Ally had to deal with Margaret come what may, being her husband's mother, she's quite hell-bent on ejecting Zelda from the family fold, convinced she's not the right girlfriend/fiancée/wife material for her much-loved son.

Again, it's a very enjoyable ride of ups and downs as Ally and Zelda navigate their relationship. It's a very worthy sequel to Clarke's previous novel and the characters are all very real and credible, and could quite happily be your family nextdoor who you'd be popping in to see regularly.

I think the 'And then/now there's…' might have been wrung out now, but I'll more than happily read another Ally life episode or indeed anything else by this author.

See Also:

Thursday 15 February 2024

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben


Believe it or not, this is my debut Coben, and now I'm wondering why I haven't picked him up before.

Gosh, what a page turner. And what a writer. I think I picked a good 'un to get a taste of this author.

Serving a life sentence for murdering his young son, David Burroughs is innocent. Five years into his sentence, his sister-in-law finds evidence that there is no doubt his son is alive. The only way he can prove his innocence is to break out of prison and to then find and save his son. (Full synopsis here)

This is a tense and white-knuckle ride and utterly unputdownable. It's well strategised; it has a very credible unfurling and reveal, and is gripping right to the end.

Obviously, I'm going to pick up many more Cobens!

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Island in the Sun by Katie Fforde


This isn't my number one genre, but I do like to pepper my reading list with the occasional romance for all its clicheness, predictability, inevitable happy-ever-after ending and if I'm honest, the cheesiness of it all!

This ticks all those boxes, it's true. We have the girl (Cass), we have the (older) man (Ranulph), a lovely sunny (bit prone to hurricanes) island (Dominica), there's the ex, and then there are the misunderstandings. All the right ingredients and although the dish comes out cooked, it's all a bit bland, lacking in spice. (Full synopsis here)

Cass is annoying to the point you want to slap her and tell her to grow up and get over herself. The rest of the characters are all a bit like cardboard cut-outs with no substance or emotion. The Dominican setting is authentic (which the author explains at the end) and almost makes you want to put the island on your must-see list, so job well done there.

But I did enjoy the author's writing, and I was invested enough to see it through to the end. It's an above-average-edited book, which is refreshing, although the author or the editor got in a bit of pickle with step-siblings and half-siblings…probably best to clarify themselves on that one.

Not a 'wow, amazing' book, but a decent enough read.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

A Curtain Twitcher's Book of Murder by Gay Marris


This is Roald-Dahl-esque: dark, with a hint of comedy and a good deal of murder, all in one leafy suburban neighbourhood, Atbara Avenue.

At first it feels like a collection of short stories, as each chapter focusses on one household, but the residents weave in and out of each other's lives (and houses) and make regular appearances. The ones that aren't victims, that is. (Full synopsis here)

I've not read any books by this author, but I did love her style of writing. So very articulate, intelligent, expressive and her use of language made me devour and relish every single word. She masterfully paints a picture with her vocabulary and phraseology, and every character and scene comes to life, almost colourfully.

I did feel I needed some more answers with some of the outcomes of the unfortunate victims, but other than that, this is a delightfully entertaining read. This is Marris's first book, so she's crashed into the literary scene with quite a corker. (But I hope she tells her editor it's 'a historic', not 'an historic'.)  I'll definitely be looking out for her second book.

Sunday 31 December 2023

What July Knew by Emily Koch

This is certainly a very compelling novel, though at times, a little hard to read what July has to endure.

It's a family drama packed with emotion, poignancy and heartbreak. It centres on twelve-year-old July, who clings to the eighteen things she knows about her deceased mum because her dad and stepmum won't talk about her to her. Nor will her grandparents albeit for different reasons. But she's desperate for her only parent to love and cherish her, so she does as she's told. But Dad isn't the sort of father anyone would want. (Full synopsis here)

The storyline rolls out very strategically and at a good pace. July is a character you just can't help loving. However, her twelve-year-old voice just isn't credible. Twelve going on twenty-two, perhaps. Her sagacity and logic just isn't that of a pre-teen.

It didn't spoil my enjoyment of an extremely well-written and enjoyable book, however. I loved it. This isn't Koch's first novel, but it is the first of hers I've read. I will definitely be seeking out more!

Monday 18 December 2023

Small Hours by Bobby Palmer


Palmer's debut novel, Isaac and the Egg was my book of 2022, so of course, I pounced on his second.

Palmer is a genius with words and has succeeded in following up his superb debut novel as poignantly and perceptively. Isaac and the Egg dealt with grief. This deals with regrets, unfulfilled dreams, disappointments, the missed opportunities of four members of a family and a devastating disease of one of them, which makes for a considerably more intense read. Jack doesn't talk to his father. Charlotte, his sister, doesn't talk to Jack. Why does his father have reminders all over the house, and where the heck is his mother? (Full synopsis here)

Yes. Intense. Oh, I forgot the fox. Who's surprisingly wise.

I have just one 'but'. Isaac's egg talked (well, grunted, really). Jack's fox was a good deal more talkative and intelligible. (You really do have to read these books to get it!) I think Mr P has covered talking animals and dairy products pretty well now.

Whatever he writes next, though, I'll be snapping it up!

See also:

Sunday 3 December 2023

Every Silent Thing by Alan Brenham


I first read a book by this author nine years ago (Price of Justice), and my review of it reminded me how much I enjoyed it, so I had no hesitation at all picking up another by him. It's another fast-paced thriller. Full synopsis here.

There are murders on opposite sides of the world, there's a missing USB stick, cartel thugs, the Eiffel Tower, three random French words and triplets, one of whom is deaf. So…how are they all connected? A seemingly difficult-to-solve puzzle for the reader, but it all unfurls strategically with a lot of suspense and action to move it along at a cracking pace.

There's rather a lot more 'telling' than 'showing', and I did feel some difficult, tragic even, events needed more emotional display by the characters. Nonetheless, this is a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining novel that keeps you on your toes, wondering how the main protagonists are going to keep a life-saving distance from the ruthless baddies…there are a lot of train rides involved, that's for sure!

See also:

Wednesday 29 November 2023

The Woman on the Ledge by Ruth Mancini

I first read a novel by this author five years ago and promised myself, despite a few niggles with it, I'd read another, as she'd made quite an impression. You always hope the standard is going to be kept. And it certainly is.

This is compelling, well written, superbly characterised and totally captivating. The Woman on the Ledge: well, it's what you expect. A woman does indeed fall to her death from a high ledge, but nothing is quite as it seems. Why did she do it? DID she do it, or was she pushed? Tate Kinsella is a suspect, but there's something she's keeping from the police. And her lawyer. Full synopsis here.

And there begins the tangled web! Absolutely brilliant. Suspenseful right to the very end.

I didn't like Mancini's use of the present-tense narrative when I read her In the Blood, so I was a bit disappointed to find that it was used here, too. However, I got over it (!), as a lot of the story is back story and therefore in the past tense (hooray!). Present-tense narrative just strangles a story, in my humble opinion.

That aside, excellent book, and I really must not leave five years to read another by this very talented author.

See Also:


Friday 17 November 2023

The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder by C. L. Miller


I do love it when an author makes a debut with an absolute cracker of a novel. This is just that. It's a book of many layers: it starts with some tantalising hooks, and gradually, the layers are peeled away to reveal how and why a beloved antique dealer is murdered, and how and why his prodigy hasn't spoken to him in twenty years. It's all to do with Cairo, you see. And a bird. Full synopsis here.

The author's upbringing involved being surrounded by antiques, so, that and meticulous research has resulted in a convincingly authentic basis for a murder. There's a brilliant cast of characters: Freya, Arthur the antique dealer's resentful prodigy, her deliciously flamboyant and a teensy bit eccentric aunt and then, of course, those dodgy family members residing at Copthorn Manor, any of whom could have snuffed poor old Arthur out.

Well written, well characterised, well strategised. Thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyable and a very commendable debut novel. I want more from this author!

Friday 3 November 2023

Paw Prints and Problems by Carly Winter

I enjoy the odd cozy mystery or two…they don't have to be credible, but they do have to be entertaining (and well written and well edited).

This didn't quite tick those three boxes. Gina is a pretend Miss Marple (and a dog rescuer), who has a talking dog (that only she can hear, of course), and is on a mission to exonerate her restaurant-owner friend whose chef is found murdered. The local sheriff seems to think she's guilty. Gina, naturally, believes otherwise. Full synopsis here.

It's all a bit silly. Again, I don't mind silly, but it's that 'E' word again…it has to be entertaining. It wasn't really. It's poorly edited, and as far as Gina's concerned everyone's a 'jerk' (the word was used sixteen times), including the poor golden retriever, Zeus, that was dumped on her doorstep. A jerk is 'a useless or idiotic person'.  Dogs, and Zeus especially, aren't 'jerks'…only their owners are.

I'd recommend it for a very easy read that requires little concentration, but if you want something that's fun, a bit gritty and satisfying, sadly this isn't it.

Monday 23 October 2023

The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai


I rarely enjoy translated books because many of them are translated by people for whom English is a second language, and the result is invariably a bit stilted. This, though, was extremely well translated and the prose flowed very fluidly.

However, I struggled a bit with the actual story. A father-and-daughter detective duo…food-detective duo, in fact…try to recreate dishes for their customers for whom a dish from their pasts is sentimentally significant.  (Full synopsis here)

Each of the six chapters focusses on a different client. Whilst each has a different memory and reason for recapturing the essence of the pertinent dish, the format of each chapter was the same. I found this a little tedious and repetitive. Maybe it's because I don't understand the Japanese food culture, but the endless description of every food that went into the dishes (do onions from different areas really matter? An onion is an onion to me).

It was quite a departure from my usual diet of crime thrillers, but it didn't really grab me. I was actually quite glad it was a short book. If you live to eat rather than, like me, eat to live, I reckon you'll find this a treat.