Rob Rinder is one of those TV celebs I never hesitate to watch. He has a wry and intelligent sense of humour and a dry wit. This qualifies him to be a very entertaining writer. His first Adam Green book was very engaging, and I couldn't wait for the next. I must have snoozed because I suddenly spotted number three was available, so of course I had to rush over to Amazon to buy this, book number two!
A brilliant sequel, just as well written (well, just a few punctuation and grammatical errors), just as compelling and masterfully plotted and characterised. The dialogue between Adam and his doting mum that punctuate the drama are just excellent.
The fact that Rinder is a qualified and esteemed barrister just ices this literary cake…the authenticity envelops the courtroom drama to very credible effect, all without bombarding the reader with legalese. It's wonderfully easy to read and understand.
I waited all of five seconds to start the third in the series.
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