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Thursday 8 October 2020

The Slaughter Man by Tony Parsons


I read so many crime thrillers by American authors, it was rather refreshing to find that this was set on home soil. 

Parsons is a new-to-me author, and I'll be honest, I had a few misgivings, as I made the mistake of reading the unfavourable reviews. Yes, it's gritty, it's violent and features criminals who should never have left their mothers' wombs, but it's no worse than any of those TV programmes preceded by 'this programme contains bad language and scenes some viewers might find upsetting'. It's a policeman's world, it goes without saying.

This is the second in the DI Max Wolfe series, and he has to get to the bottom of the killing of four members of a family. The fifth member, a young child is missing. The crime and the weapon used smack of the work of The Slaughter Man…released from prison after doing his time, but now dying. Surely, he didn't do it again? And why pick on a perfect, happy family? But…was it the perfect family? 

This is a fast-paced, gripping thriller. Having not read the first Wolfe book, I didn't know why he had an ex wife and, unusually, custody of his daughter. It didn't matter. He's certainly a hard-nosed policeman, but his five-year-old princess is the centre of his world. Parsons parallels these two worlds very adeptly. Oh, and at last, someone who explains all those acronyms used in the force…how enlightening! 

I'm diving straight into #4 of the series (my Kindle is missing #3!).

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