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Monday 29 February 2016

Life Swap by Carol Wyer


I suppose we’ve all wondered at some time or another…especially after yet another unaffordable bill lands on the doormat, or another long hard underpaid day at work or another tedious confrontation with belligerent teenage offspring…what it would be like to trade places with that friend who made good and is now a millionaire or the client whose daily to-do list consists of salon treatments, personal trainers and high-end shopping. I’m sure a little piece of us wishes we could swap our lives for better different ones.

What if, like Polly and Simon, the opportunity to do just that presented itself? Polly’s dismal track record with men and a lawsuit that’s about to ruin her are about as much as she can take, and Simon…well, he’s the typical middle-age-crisis male. Polly would so much rather have Stephanie’s charmed lifestyle and Simon would gladly swap with Tony’s jet-set living. The temptation is just too much. But no one reminds them that you should be ‘careful what you wish for’…

I’m no stranger to this author’s work. She is always very funny, witty and writes a cracking story. Her books come with a guarantee: that they will amuse, entertain, delight and have you craving for more. 

You will have to suspend disbelief just a little with this one…but that’s what makes it all the more enjoyable. It’s a very welcome break from reality. It almost has you skimming the yellow pages for 'Mission Imp-ossible'. (I guess you’ll just have to read Life Swap to find out why…)

See also:

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