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Tuesday, 16 February 2021

The Burden of Darkness by Barry Finlay

I'm a bit late to the Marcie-Kane-thrillers party. This is number 5; I don't usually dive in without reading forerunners, as I'm too worried I've missed too much. However, this was completely (and skilfully) stand-alone.

I reckon this isn't a thriller to be read if you have a heart condition. My heartbeat was raised a level or two throughout, not to mention the palpitations! Gripping, compelling, edge-of-your-seat stuff right from the start. My kind of thriller.

It's one that also embraces the very distressing condition of PTSD. Here, the victim is Nathan, Marcie's husband. As an FBI consultant, he's seen and experienced danger and horror, and it finally catches up with him. Nipping it in the bud is the route to recovery. Terminally ill Owen Strand is a drone hobbyist and, having nothing to lose, uses his custom-made drones to kill people he considers responsible for all that's gone wrong in his life. An FBI colleague reckons Nathan is well enough to handle the case. But someone very close to Nathan is in Owen's flight path. Nathan has to fight his demons to get to Owen before another tragedy occurs. The balance between the PTSD story line and the crime are perfectly balanced.

I really couldn't put this down. I read so many crime thrillers and weapons of choice are usually knives, guns, poison, hands, but this was my first drone thriller. What a modern, contemporary and original choice of attack. It was all the more fun, as I'm married to a drone hobbyist, who knows just about everything there is to know about drones and (UK) flying regulations. 

I'll certainly be adding more of this author's books to my TBR.

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