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Monday, 30 April 2012

You'll Never Guess Who's Dying from Cancer by Michael Antcliffe

When I was asked if I would review this book, I confess I did say to myself, do I really want to read a book about a man who is dying? However, this isn’t a book one ‘reviews’.  It’s not a book that you like or dislike.

This courageous dying man has written this book to raise money for a foundation to provide support to terminally-ill cancer sufferers by asking people to friend him on Facebook and to pledge ten dollara to his cause after he dies. His aim is to raise a million in this way, along with proceeds from the sale of this book.

It’s a book about a man – a young man – who describes his first diagnosis of his malignant melanoma, his treatment, its spread, yet more treatment, its effects, and, most poignantly, about what cancer has taught him.  He rarely complains.  He cries, yes, he cries a lot, but he doesn’t complain.  Instead, he tries to find a positive and discovers that cancer has actually taught him a thing or two. It’s taught him to find joy in other people’s happiness, humility, the joy of giving without receiving in return;  it’s taught him to recognise other people’s strength and courage, it’s taught him to fight, and rather touchingly, it’s brought him the experience of a new love.

Apart from the utter selflessness of this young man, what bowls you over instantly is his intelligence, his eloquence, his wit, and if you can believe it, his enduring sense of humour.  He says cancer has taught him many things, but we would do well to hear those lessons and learn and reap from them before we have to wait for cancer to teach us.  He is engaging and inspiring – the testament to that are the Facebook posts (some of which are quoted in the book) and quotes from those who have been fortunate enough to meet Michael.

I said before that this is not a book you like or dislike; it’s one that cannot fail to touch and inspire you.


  1. Cathy, this is a beautiful review. It made me cry to see how Michael's book impacts other people. Thanks so much for the review!

  2. Michael Antcliffe30 April 2012 at 18:13

    Thank you Cathy, you've taken from the book exactly what i hoped people would. I appreciate the kind words deeply. Thank you again.

  3. Absolutely the BEST book review I have EVER READ!!! If I didn't already own two copies of Michael's book (the first one has tears all over it) I'd run out to buy another!! Thanks to you for the review and of course Michael for sharing his life with us all!!

  4. Thank you so much for your excellent review of Michael's book. I am certain it will encourage many others to support Michael's cause & purchase his book. Anyone who reads it comes away forever changed.
