
Friday 26 August 2011

Land of Nod - The Artifact by Gary Hoover

The Kindle seems to have encouraged me to read things I would normally overlook.  The Land of Nod is one of them;  it sits on the same bookshelf as a Harry Potter book.  And that is why I thoroughly enjoyed it.  A normal, intelligent boy, Jeff, leading a normal life, suddenly finds himself in another dimension;  the author is superb at describing the fantastical elements of this dimension and I had no trouble at all imagining the strange effects, creatures, and, well, just about everything of this strange land.  The reader always has a firm foot on the ground, because, as Jeff is not one of the fantasy characters, he regularly compares features of the world in which he finds himself with planet earth – and that’s why I liked the book – it didn’t overreach my sci-fi boundaries of credibility.

The book ends with some unanswered questions – which I won’t detail, or I would be giving things away – so I am hoping this means a sequel…………I would, without a shadow of a doubt, snap it up in a jiff.

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